Thursday, 26 May 2011

End of module Self-Evaluation

What skills have you developed throughout this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

  • Indesign has helped do magazine layouts better and it has showed me that when working with type using indesign is much better than photoshop and illustrator
  • My illustrator skills have improved A LOT, using it more and just getting better.
  • Book binding skills and folding has improved did a few different variations of books this module.

What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design and development process?

  • Taking more photos has helped me always have at least some image to work with as a starting point.
  • Getting statistics is always helpful cause u can make any info graphics images out of stats
  • Using questionnaires has been helpful to back up my concepts especially and to have information i can then work with.
What strengths can you identify in your work and how will/have you capitalized on these:

  • Working with Colour! finally managed to break through the wall of being scared of using colour and taking my work to a new more playful approach instead of just always designing for a serious professional audience. This will help me be a more diverse designer and i will be far more confident on briefs.
  • Getting better at type and layout, im starting to be able to confidently do layouts they are starting to look a bit more professional as well.
  • Using image has always been a problem due to my lack of drawing skills but illustrator has somehow helped me get my drawing back a bit, its improving and im now using illustrations in my work.
What weaknesses have you identified in your work and how will you adress these:

  • Using my own drawings, not as good as i'd like to be but im getting better and finding my own style finally.
  • Not as good as i'd like to be with magazine layouts and grids, going to practise this more to improve.
  • My spelling is really bad, i need to spell check everything all the time.
Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

  1. Blog as i go along, this will help stop me do last minute blogging...
  2. Screen print, when mass producing something. Will save money.
  3. Keep my sketch book more neat so other people can understand it more clearly, The people who look at my work will be able to understand it better.
  4. Document my work on illustrator better, i get really into my work and always forget to take screenshots, but i do usually note it down in my sketch book.
  5. Do more big design sheets before moving into sketch book. 
Attendance: 5
Punctuality: 5
Motivation: 4
Quantity: 3.5
Quality: 4
Contribution to group: 5


I like the photographs and how they work well with the grey and the black background, but the smaller image doesnt fit properly in the colour scheme. The text boxes feel far too structured, it needs a couple more paragraphs to fill the page better, it feels like my text boxes are kind of drifting around on the black background. Would look better if i used the purple for more then just one paragraph to try and break up the white text boxes a bit more. 

communications is virus feedback

After checking my e-mails from the Face to face group i found that i had 1 reply from someone who lives in leeds it said the following:

These were some of the photos he had send us! it was a good feeling knowing some people actually did get influenced by our project

speaking from experience Progress Crit

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Speaking from experience


The Brief
How to find the ideal lunch

What do you need to communicate:
Best sandwiches, value for money, prices.

Why do they need to know?
 So 1st year dont stumble around wasting time finding the ideal lunch, this way they can get some advice from our year which can help guide them to the better places. A good lunch can make your day if your in studio all day, and to save time and money.

What will they respond to?
A book or a series of booklets, mailshot.

Where do they go?
They can be send to pigeon holes, to their halls of residence or their drawers and around college.


The books came out very well but i had minor problems when i came to double sided printing, in future i would use indesign instead of illustrator. The Stock i used for the covers also started to crack after a day or so, next time i would use a thinner stock which is more malleable. The Booklet on reviews felt very crowded compared to the other two if i had more time i would redesign this one as it feels to me like this book stands apart the most from the others. The mailshots were very simple if not too simple adding some description of what was in them would be an idea to try if i had more time. All in all i really enjoyed this brief but feel i got far too stuck in the beginning on the first two versions of the book which wasted a lot of time.