Monday, 24 September 2012

Selected Bits of Photography

Unofficial Youtube Video

Little side project with Matt Chatfield

Final Cut Pro
Canon 600D
Fish Eye attachment
Manual Focus...

Screen Printing

Business Cards


Following the trip to amsterdam, I found a love for books, layout and editorial. This is something I have been perusing during my 3rd year ever since. 

Freelance project

This is a commercial based project I did for a friend earlyer in the year. After doing this I had to seriously reevaluate where I stand with Graphic Design and morals... I have morals and this project changed my complete outlook to what projects I will take on in the future. My only regret is accepting to do this and when I say I will do something I do it... 


I went to see mainstudio while out in amsterdam in September. Edwin is a great guy and gave us a lot of his time to talk through some of his own projects. Besides the fact he was working on a Saturday we all felt pretty privileged to get some time with him. He also gave us one of his books!!!

Laucke Siebein

Dirk was nice enough to give us an hour of his time even though he is an incredibly busy man running 2 studios across 2 countries both of which produce some of the best work I have seen come out of Europe. He sat us down in his conference room and gave us all invaluable advice I will never forget. 


The guys from OK200 are probably the nicest people I have ever met. If I could I would of stayed there forever but we had to go for another studio visit. Great guys, Great advice, still in contact today. 

Dots Printhaus

Went to see dots early 2012 to get some help on the Tshirt printing I was doing at the time, really great guys and incredibly helpful. 

Republic Brief