Tuesday, 22 November 2011

End Of Module Self Evaluation

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I have learned a wide variety of printing techniques and how to use them most effectively within my own design work. The skill of knowing how to set my work up for print has also become very helpful within my project when it comes to saving time and designing something with the knowledge of how it has to be printed. I have used my printing knowledge to select my perfect stocks for image and foil printing to show up my logo's. 

What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

I have now got a clear idea of selecting what type of printing process i want to apply and then designing my work around that process to allow it to print properly. I can also now spot early on in my design process if what colours im using would print out properly or not, i have a much wider understanding about each printing technique and how i need to change my design to suit each. 

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

A strength for this module for me has been working and editing photography and applying it to my project, this has allowed me to use it as backdrops within my packaging and across my promotional range. Producing logo's and branding has also been a strong point for me its helped me to produce a solid brand for a product which is easily recognisable. The promotional material and posters link in again with my photography but i feel my simple layout was very clear a strength in my work.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I am not very good when it comes to producing packaging, i keep making my products too complex and then in most cases they dont work when i mock them up this wasted a lot of time for me this project. If i produce packaging again i will keep it simple and not try and work across three layers of packaging.

Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

  1. I would try and look at the bigger picture (the range) and not just get too focused on one piece of packaging when i get stuck if i have a lot more to do within the project. This will stop me having to rush the rest of the project and get more crit feedback on my other products.
  2. I would set out enough time to book into screen print so i dont have to design my work last minute to fit digital print. This will allow me to get the initial print finish i was designing for.
  3. Keep my blog up to date as i go along, the critical evaluation i found very helpful especially when i go along, just keeping the images saved on my computer or making notes in my sketchbook doesn't have the same effect as blogging it and talking about it when its most relevant.
  4. Research shops which sell stock well before going into the city and trying to find them only to realise they dont do the sizes i need. This would save me a lot of time.
  5. I would do a lot more context research, this has been very helpful when i got stuck within my development process.
Attendance: 5
Punctuality: 5
Motivation: 3
Commitment: 3
Qauntity of work produced: 3
Quality of work produced: 3
Contribution to the group: 4

Monday, 21 November 2011

What is good Final Products

This is my final range of products and promotional material i have produced for my Good is...? brief. It contains a set of 3 posters, flyers and packaging for frisbee's as well as some vinyl stickers to stick on frisbees. I feel that the Packaging has worked to an extent although the type isnt clear enough on the front and needs to be changed so its more clear for the buyer to see what kind of product is inside. The over all series of colours are all very different too each other but if i had more time i would pick a slightly less bright colour of each, in the packaging the 3 acetate covers are very overwhelming.

The posters came out well, but looking at them in more detail i should of changed the paragraphs to 7-8 word long paragraphs due to the fact that i justified the text this would stop the large spacings between some of the shorted lines. I would also of liked to print onto coated paper which would absorb more ink and give my posters image a far more detailed finish.

The Flyers also worked well the image standing alone with the sport title and logo for the one side, the back i would liked to of screen printed the text white on black stock and then foil blocked the logo's. This would of given the flyers a far better finish then foil blocking the entire thing.

The logo's sit alright on the frisbee's but if i had more time i would of liked to extent this and produce more versions and place them on different coloured frisbee's. I would also like to produce a special edition frisbee in this way.

The main thing i would of liked to do to extend my project would be to produce a informative flyer or small condensed book which has all the information about each sport and how to play it, it would also touch on throwing and catching techniques which are relavant across the range of sports.


After this crit i realised that i needed to focus less on my packaging and actually make more of the promotional material to promote my product. 


After this crit i have realised i need to research some relevant shops which could potentially sell frisbee's or some specialist sport shows which would show case frisbee's.


The brown colour schemes and the off white stocks dont really match the frisbee logo very well or represent the sport accurately, a lighter more fun and active sport colour range should be considered. The frisbee logo's work well although they circular disc around the type doesnt seem to resemble a frisbee too accurately, reducing the detail within it could make it look slightly more then a frisbee.