Monday, 28 March 2011

communications is virus

Leaflet done by myself with help from Marty Edwards


Flyers done by Kirsty and Alex. I helped them out a little bit with image.


Posters done by Sam and Marty


Website done by Me

The brief
To get people to do something new or different

What do you need to communicate:
The idea that going off facebook for a day is good and that there is so much more to life then sitting in a room infront of your computer staring at facebook.

Why do they need to know:
People spend far too long on facebook and they become judgemental and dont see the negative effects of the site. we want people to try something new and not go on facebook for a day to realise theres better things to do.

What will they respond to:
Website, Posters, Flyers, Blogs. All around leeds and in leeds college of art.


Looking back on the project it was successful as we actually got feedback and photos send to us by someone from the public. I would of liked to push this concept further and made it go digital because i believe it would have a far greater impact and more people would actually be able to find out about it. Keeping it low teck is far too old school, its much harder to get word round. The posters were a bit confusing and but they did have the shock factor we were going for. The leaflet was informative but far too expensive to mass produce, should of redesigned it for screen print that would it could be made in bulk and cheaply. The flyers had the same problem, they were far too expensive to reproduce and needed to of been designed for screen print. I would of liked to push the website further but wasn't able to after the Jo crit if i extended this project id make it an annual thing and i would make it go digital and see how many replies i could get.

Communication is a virus Feedback

The main feedback we gained from the other group was:

  • Try a different approach then using the facebook colours makes people think its an advert for facebook
  • Create a big socail event in leeds instead of just a few small things to do instead
  • Create our own logos instead of ripping off facebook to try and make the link, try and make the link to social networking somehow else.

communications is virus second crit

The 2nd crit went much better Jo was very impressed with our progress she pointed out all the small errors within our work and she stated that we should organise some form of event to give people an alternative to facebook. She also stated that making a website isnt a good idea as it was just as bad saying to people not to go online to sit on facebook but instead to go to this other website.

We went away from this crit and decided to take a much more low teck approach to our project and to create an informative leaflet which would state everything the website would. We also decided to list up a few events for people to do instead of facebook.

communications is virus First Crit

After having our crit with Amber and Jo it was brought to our attention that the idea of a book of things to do before you die would be to simple and has been done many times before, this is not what we were wanting for the group. Therefor we have changed the way in which we will approach this brief.

We then managed to gather as a group and go over the way that everything was to be created, we decided to create an Anti-Facebook campaign, we wanted to create such a compelling way to change how people look at these social websites or in our case, anti social.

We are going to group again on Monday and then decide on how we want to take this new idea and what we all have created in a group effort, the best way to make these look the best would be to make them compelling and fresh. These ideas will all be grouped together and then we will start the design process.


My project was to look into the difference between A and Z as opposites, i wanted to explore this in a very simple typographic direction. The research i did was mainly based on how type is constructed and what characteristics they have. From my research i constructed these three posters which show the difference between A and Z featured in two different typefaces. These posters can then be used to make a description of each letter and compiled into a booklet called "the anatomy of type" this will allow someone who works in a typographic field to quickly browse through and pick up any facts or traits that letter might have.

Looking back at this project i really liked the style of design, it fitted its audience well (Professionals and type enthusiasts). The only bits i would change are the text boxes on the bottom of the A and Z posters they feel a bit empty and could do with changing around to let if feel less empty. The stock choice was good as on white paper it made the content on the page feel really empty. The off white background made it feel like the content was much less "harsh" against the page and it made it fit a bit better. 

Monday, 7 March 2011


First and Final Crit

  • look into deconstructing the A and Z.
  • more research on how they are fundamentally different
  • Add information about each
  • How many words you can make with each? 
  • what each letter has which makes it different?
  • Good colour scheme

What i intended to do:
Look into what A and Z are constructed of and make an informative poster of A and Z which shows what each letter is construct off, add image of places which are fundamentally different on each letter.

The feedback i got from was mainly that i was not done yet and i needed to keep going with this project, the advice given to me was to look more closely at how type is broken down and to critically analyse type so i could see how A and Z was different on the level they are constructed rather then just the physical appearance. It was also advised to me to get an audience which should be professionals or typographers this will allow me to create posters relevant to them.