Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Speaking from experience


The Brief
How to find the ideal lunch

What do you need to communicate:
Best sandwiches, value for money, prices.

Why do they need to know?
 So 1st year dont stumble around wasting time finding the ideal lunch, this way they can get some advice from our year which can help guide them to the better places. A good lunch can make your day if your in studio all day, and to save time and money.

What will they respond to?
A book or a series of booklets, mailshot.

Where do they go?
They can be send to pigeon holes, to their halls of residence or their drawers and around college.


The books came out very well but i had minor problems when i came to double sided printing, in future i would use indesign instead of illustrator. The Stock i used for the covers also started to crack after a day or so, next time i would use a thinner stock which is more malleable. The Booklet on reviews felt very crowded compared to the other two if i had more time i would redesign this one as it feels to me like this book stands apart the most from the others. The mailshots were very simple if not too simple adding some description of what was in them would be an idea to try if i had more time. All in all i really enjoyed this brief but feel i got far too stuck in the beginning on the first two versions of the book which wasted a lot of time.

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