Tuesday, 22 November 2011

End Of Module Self Evaluation

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I have learned a wide variety of printing techniques and how to use them most effectively within my own design work. The skill of knowing how to set my work up for print has also become very helpful within my project when it comes to saving time and designing something with the knowledge of how it has to be printed. I have used my printing knowledge to select my perfect stocks for image and foil printing to show up my logo's. 

What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

I have now got a clear idea of selecting what type of printing process i want to apply and then designing my work around that process to allow it to print properly. I can also now spot early on in my design process if what colours im using would print out properly or not, i have a much wider understanding about each printing technique and how i need to change my design to suit each. 

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

A strength for this module for me has been working and editing photography and applying it to my project, this has allowed me to use it as backdrops within my packaging and across my promotional range. Producing logo's and branding has also been a strong point for me its helped me to produce a solid brand for a product which is easily recognisable. The promotional material and posters link in again with my photography but i feel my simple layout was very clear a strength in my work.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I am not very good when it comes to producing packaging, i keep making my products too complex and then in most cases they dont work when i mock them up this wasted a lot of time for me this project. If i produce packaging again i will keep it simple and not try and work across three layers of packaging.

Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

  1. I would try and look at the bigger picture (the range) and not just get too focused on one piece of packaging when i get stuck if i have a lot more to do within the project. This will stop me having to rush the rest of the project and get more crit feedback on my other products.
  2. I would set out enough time to book into screen print so i dont have to design my work last minute to fit digital print. This will allow me to get the initial print finish i was designing for.
  3. Keep my blog up to date as i go along, the critical evaluation i found very helpful especially when i go along, just keeping the images saved on my computer or making notes in my sketchbook doesn't have the same effect as blogging it and talking about it when its most relevant.
  4. Research shops which sell stock well before going into the city and trying to find them only to realise they dont do the sizes i need. This would save me a lot of time.
  5. I would do a lot more context research, this has been very helpful when i got stuck within my development process.
Attendance: 5
Punctuality: 5
Motivation: 3
Commitment: 3
Qauntity of work produced: 3
Quality of work produced: 3
Contribution to the group: 4

Monday, 21 November 2011

What is good Final Products

This is my final range of products and promotional material i have produced for my Good is...? brief. It contains a set of 3 posters, flyers and packaging for frisbee's as well as some vinyl stickers to stick on frisbees. I feel that the Packaging has worked to an extent although the type isnt clear enough on the front and needs to be changed so its more clear for the buyer to see what kind of product is inside. The over all series of colours are all very different too each other but if i had more time i would pick a slightly less bright colour of each, in the packaging the 3 acetate covers are very overwhelming.

The posters came out well, but looking at them in more detail i should of changed the paragraphs to 7-8 word long paragraphs due to the fact that i justified the text this would stop the large spacings between some of the shorted lines. I would also of liked to print onto coated paper which would absorb more ink and give my posters image a far more detailed finish.

The Flyers also worked well the image standing alone with the sport title and logo for the one side, the back i would liked to of screen printed the text white on black stock and then foil blocked the logo's. This would of given the flyers a far better finish then foil blocking the entire thing.

The logo's sit alright on the frisbee's but if i had more time i would of liked to extent this and produce more versions and place them on different coloured frisbee's. I would also like to produce a special edition frisbee in this way.

The main thing i would of liked to do to extend my project would be to produce a informative flyer or small condensed book which has all the information about each sport and how to play it, it would also touch on throwing and catching techniques which are relavant across the range of sports.


After this crit i realised that i needed to focus less on my packaging and actually make more of the promotional material to promote my product. 


After this crit i have realised i need to research some relevant shops which could potentially sell frisbee's or some specialist sport shows which would show case frisbee's.


The brown colour schemes and the off white stocks dont really match the frisbee logo very well or represent the sport accurately, a lighter more fun and active sport colour range should be considered. The frisbee logo's work well although they circular disc around the type doesnt seem to resemble a frisbee too accurately, reducing the detail within it could make it look slightly more then a frisbee.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Enterprise Task 2

Where are my potential Clients/employers located:

The majority of my Clients and employers will be located within Central Business Districts this is mainly large city's or towns, where a large amount of people live and where there will be the biggest need for my services. This will also make my audience larger and more diverse which will give more opportunity for work. The city will also provide a large variety of clients in need of branding and identity, there are constantly new businesses popping up.

Some studios which gives an idea of what work i want to produce or what employers i want to work for in the future:

What media do my potential Clients/employers use:

A lot of the smaller design agency's specialise within a specific media to make them more appealing to their clients which want a specific identity or product made. The most common is a print based format and screen based design.

What do you need to communicate and how does it match what your employer/client needs?

I need to communicate my skills as a designer to employers by branding myself with a website, portfolio and business cards, in a way which will show off what i have to offer clients and employers. I need to communicate my ability to be able to design for print based work and to design for screen using a variety of media.


After graduating my course i aim to specialize in branding and identity for client groups corporate sectors like finance, property, retail, marketing ect. I want to work within the city where most business are located and where there is a higher number of visiting people. This is also where the majority of my employers are located. I want to work for a small specialised studio which can offer particular skills within print, screen based design and publishing which incorporates various medias such as photography.  Clients will want print based work for newsletters, publications, business cards and Screen Based design for there websites and online portfolios. I aim to brand myself using my skills within print and photography to produce a image for myself which can show off my skills as a designer, i also want to produce a website which can hold an online portfolio for employers to use when they want to browse my work easily.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Enterprise Task 1

Client Groups:

  • Music
  • Sport
  • Education
  • Charity
  • Publishing
  • Retail
  • Technology
  • Finance
  • Property
  • Health
  • Hospitality

My interests and experiences have been varied so far but the Client group i am most interested in at the moment is the music industry, its a large part of my life and I attendent a lot of live gig's and music events. I feel that Branding and identity is most suited for my skills and ambitions. 

Branding and Promotion has always been an intrest of mine, in the past i have collected various band promotional stickers, logo's, album artwork and special edition album packaging. My current range of skills in concept development, print and type i believe that i would benefit a small design agency with a fresh outlook on branding and identity, i am also very ambitious to learn new design techniques to further my experience. The skill i am trying to develop the most is my concept development, this is key for a small studio to help with collaborations and to get a project done quickly.

My preferred place of work would be a small design agency where i can collaborate and focus on a few projects in detail where i can see my work from start to finish. I ideally want to work in a small studio where i can collaborate with designers on projects with a variety of skills. A smaller specialist design agency is far more appealing to me which can focus on print finishes and type. I want to work in a city which is where the majority of design agency's flourish and its also where the majority of the money within graphic design is. The idea of working at a creative fast paced design studio with a secure salary is my current goal.

I would also consider working abroad to broaden my experience of different cultures and how it influences design. Working in England is appealing to build up experience, but with my south african back ground and being bilingual i have always considered working outside the UK. Promoting myself and my skills is also a important factor to find work and producing work within my spare time and getting it out in the real world is another factor which will attract employers to me and set me apart from all the other designers.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

PPD task 2

What is industrial experience?

  • Work experience outside the college.
  • Work produced for a live brief with a deadline.
  • Producing work at a placement with real life clients
  • Producing design solutions for real communication problems.
  • Working as part of a team with printers, copy writers, photographers ect. 
What can you learn from industrial experience?
  • How important real life deadlines are and how much your relay on sticking to it.
  • What the job has to offer you.
  • How to collaborate and interact with other professionals within the business.
  • How to produce work to a professional standard
  • How a design studio is run apposed to how a college day is run.
What form/format can industrial experience take?
  • Work placement - a period of work experience which can be paid or unpaid.
  • Internship - Short term placement in a organisation.
  • Work based project - a specific set of assessed activity's carried out on the employers premises.
  • Work shadowing - observing a staff member at an organisation.
  • Voluntary work - Unpaid work done in your own time.
What area's of industry are you interested in?
  • Print based design
  • Editorial work
  • Website design...
  • Branding & Identity
  • animation?
What are your concerns about industrial experience?
  • Will i have to just do boring projects all day
  • Will i be able to see the final outcome of the projects i work on
  • Will i get paid... 

Monday, 24 October 2011

Enterprise Lecture 3

Value: What are you worth?

Drucker (1985) argued that innovation is the tool of entrepreneurship.

Mihaly (1997) Creativity is the ability to make or otherwise bring into existences something new, whether a new solution to a problem, a new method or device, or a new artistic object or form.

Philip Kotler

Professor kotlers book, marketing management.

C – Creating
C – Communicating
D – Delivering
V – Value
T - To a targer market
P – for Profit

Maslows hierarchy of need:

Design is applied psychology

Where is the money?

Greatest human needs = greatest market potential:

·      Food industry
·      Housing
·      Utilities
·      Medicine
·      Transport
·      Construction
·      Insurances
·      Water
·      New technologies

Reduced human needs = lower market potential:

·      Organic farming
·      Holiday cottages
·      Home insulation
·      Health spa
·      Luxuries

Where does the money go?

A value Proposition

Overall aims

Specific Aims, these set out the difference we hope to make

Objectives, these set out how we plan to go about achieving our aims

BBC missions and values

Our mission
To enrich peoples lives with programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain.

Enterprise Lecture 2

Whats an Idea

·      Occurs any time
·      To anyone
·      Randomly
·      Seldom materialise
What is an opportunity

·      Environmental factors merge
·      The right conditions
·      The right place; the right time

Big Bang

Politics are local, national and international, trade laws, tax breaks, human rights legislation.

Tecknological changes, Do you know about the latest thinking or just what you see in shops.

Economic changes/social changes.

All factors which influence your business and idea’s. Also provides you with oppertunities…..

The Pest Analysis

Political factors: What political factors affect the museums ability to attract visitors.
Economic factors: What economic factors affect the museasms ability to generate income and increase the number of probfile visitors.
Social factors. What social factors affect the museums ability to attract visitors.
Tecnological facts.

What is a creative entrepreneur?

Owner Entrepreneur – project manager, concept creators.
Owner Manager – Creative with small practise of creatives
Owner worker – One man band

Where do opportunities come from?

·      Trends
·      Technological development
·      Political change
·      Economic boom and slump
·      Human need
·      Problems
·      Research

Push and Pull

Market pull is where the market is demanding something new.

Technology push is where a new technology is pushed out into society to see if it will catch on.

Where does the creative fit in?

·      Project management
·      Know how to find the right peple
·      Know where to source stuff
·      Can work with a team
·      Gets along with all kinds of people
·      Optimistic
·      Communicates well.

Project manager Skills

1.     Define the problem
2.     Build confidence
3.     Problem solving
4.     Risk analysis
5.     Physical resources
6.     Planning
7.     Human resources
8.     Quality control

How do you know if this is a good opportunity or not?

Look at your competitors
·      How many are there
·      How well are they doing it
·      What do they do well?
·      What could you improve on?


Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

Enterprise Lecture 1

The design council carries out all the major research into patterns of employment and income in the industries.

Small agency: 87% - 10 people
Medium agency: 11% - 50 -100 people
Large agency: 2% - 100+

Employ specialist small agency’s instead of big company’s.

What is marketing:

“the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably”.

Marketing roles:

·      Identifying customer needs to develop new products
·      Develop pricing strategies
·      Promote products to a target market
·      Identify distribution networks
       Specific industries
·      Add value to your product through customer benefits
·      Monitor the performance of products

1: understand needs>development concept>test concept>refine concept>market project>get feedback.

Value Proposition:

Services, technology, people, methodology, products, solutions, alliances.

Some tips for your value proposition:

·      Make it short
·      Be specific
·      Use your customers language
·      Pass the gut feeling test

Negotiate and close the deal:

·      How much it costs to do the job
·      Know how much your time is worth
·      Have standards


·      Customers at the end of the line, consumers.
·      Business to Business customers

Basic principle of marketing:

Product: the service you offer the work you produce your creative input/

Price: relative pricing level. daily rate. Royalty. free.

Place: The best location to sell it, The sales environment. The services you offer.

Promotoion: Marketing methods. Branding. Your value propistion.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Study task 1 Why am i Here and What do i want to learn

Identify and explain 5 reasons why you choose to study on this course:

  • The course offers Workshops and seminars not many other graphic design courses have for example on printing and enterprise. These extra workshops give me the edge on other graphic design students who will graduate at the same time as me.
  • The college has top facilities i can use to my disposal to better myself and my work.
  • I had come to leeds a few times to visit friends and i loved the city and the student atmosphere.
  • The course offers really good tutor student opportunities which really help when im stuck on a project and just need a nudge in the right direction. 
  • The course is very timetabled and has so much to offer, this drives me to work harder and to better myself.
Identify and explain 5 things you want to learn during your time on this program:
  • I want to learn more about industry standard printing methods and techniques, printing has always interested me and its what drew me to graphic design initially.
  • I want find out what direction within graphic design is the right one for me. 
  • I want to learn more about building and designing websites using dreamweaver, i have always been very interested in the software side of graphic design.
  • I want to learn more about magazine editorial and the type & grid system, i am still not sure what direction i want to go but type, grid and layout interests me a lot.
  • I want to learn how to manage my time as efficiently as possible.
Identify and explain 5 skills that you think are your strengths:
  • I am very confident when it comes to using illustrator i find that using this software can save me a lot of time to help me work more efficiently.
  • Working with typography or creating my own typefaces is also one of my strengths this has so far saved me money instead of buying typefaces.
  • I can confidently work within a group to brainstorm and generate idea's.
  • I am a very process driver designer and after the initial idea process is over i can work very fast and efficiently to produce my final outcome.
  • Always keeping a sketchbook, during my foundation program i was told to always keep a sketchbook to put idea's down and this is a skill i haven't lost, i will always write down whatever idea pops into my head and then refer back to it later.    
Identify and explain 5 things that you want to improve:
  • I would like to improve my photoshop skills i feel like this is holding me back a bit as illustrator isn't that good in editing photo's, but i still havent managed to get my head fully around photoshop.
  • I feel like i go onto software too quickly after a brief has been set i would like to improve my drawing ability or illustration skills so i can do more detailed work before going onto illustrator.
  • Presentation skills is another thing i would like to improve i find myself still getting very nervous before talking even after a year of getting to know my year group.
  • I would like to improve my printing techniques to make my work look more professional by trying different print methods and stocks.
  • I would like to improve my organisational skills more, i seem to organise my time alright just not my work and briefs.
Identify and explain 5 ways that you will evaluate your work:
  • I would like to put more examples of my work within my sketchbook and critically evaluate it more.
  • Blog, blog, blog, blog. Blog each little stage of my work and projects this will help me understand my project better and spot cracks before its too late.
  • More informal crits with students in the class, one of the biggest strengths on the course i think is that i can ask anyone for advice or feedback and in the majority of cases its really helpful.
  • Student - Tutor progress crits are also incredibly helpful to evaluate my work and spot vaults and cracks.
  • Keep referring back to my lists of things to do so i dont miss anything out. 
Identify 5 questions you want to know the answer to:
  • How much can i charge for my graphic design services per hour?
  • What type of Designer am i?
  • How much money does a small design company make?
  • Is a freelance designer a actual option or would i just run the risk of becoming bankrupt?
  • Do i need to win any prizes to become noticed by employers?

Thursday, 26 May 2011

End of module Self-Evaluation

What skills have you developed throughout this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

  • Indesign has helped do magazine layouts better and it has showed me that when working with type using indesign is much better than photoshop and illustrator
  • My illustrator skills have improved A LOT, using it more and just getting better.
  • Book binding skills and folding has improved did a few different variations of books this module.

What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design and development process?

  • Taking more photos has helped me always have at least some image to work with as a starting point.
  • Getting statistics is always helpful cause u can make any info graphics images out of stats
  • Using questionnaires has been helpful to back up my concepts especially and to have information i can then work with.
What strengths can you identify in your work and how will/have you capitalized on these:

  • Working with Colour! finally managed to break through the wall of being scared of using colour and taking my work to a new more playful approach instead of just always designing for a serious professional audience. This will help me be a more diverse designer and i will be far more confident on briefs.
  • Getting better at type and layout, im starting to be able to confidently do layouts they are starting to look a bit more professional as well.
  • Using image has always been a problem due to my lack of drawing skills but illustrator has somehow helped me get my drawing back a bit, its improving and im now using illustrations in my work.
What weaknesses have you identified in your work and how will you adress these:

  • Using my own drawings, not as good as i'd like to be but im getting better and finding my own style finally.
  • Not as good as i'd like to be with magazine layouts and grids, going to practise this more to improve.
  • My spelling is really bad, i need to spell check everything all the time.
Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

  1. Blog as i go along, this will help stop me do last minute blogging...
  2. Screen print, when mass producing something. Will save money.
  3. Keep my sketch book more neat so other people can understand it more clearly, The people who look at my work will be able to understand it better.
  4. Document my work on illustrator better, i get really into my work and always forget to take screenshots, but i do usually note it down in my sketch book.
  5. Do more big design sheets before moving into sketch book. 
Attendance: 5
Punctuality: 5
Motivation: 4
Quantity: 3.5
Quality: 4
Contribution to group: 5


I like the photographs and how they work well with the grey and the black background, but the smaller image doesnt fit properly in the colour scheme. The text boxes feel far too structured, it needs a couple more paragraphs to fill the page better, it feels like my text boxes are kind of drifting around on the black background. Would look better if i used the purple for more then just one paragraph to try and break up the white text boxes a bit more. 

communications is virus feedback

After checking my e-mails from the Face to face group i found that i had 1 reply from someone who lives in leeds it said the following:

These were some of the photos he had send us! it was a good feeling knowing some people actually did get influenced by our project

speaking from experience Progress Crit

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Speaking from experience


The Brief
How to find the ideal lunch

What do you need to communicate:
Best sandwiches, value for money, prices.

Why do they need to know?
 So 1st year dont stumble around wasting time finding the ideal lunch, this way they can get some advice from our year which can help guide them to the better places. A good lunch can make your day if your in studio all day, and to save time and money.

What will they respond to?
A book or a series of booklets, mailshot.

Where do they go?
They can be send to pigeon holes, to their halls of residence or their drawers and around college.


The books came out very well but i had minor problems when i came to double sided printing, in future i would use indesign instead of illustrator. The Stock i used for the covers also started to crack after a day or so, next time i would use a thinner stock which is more malleable. The Booklet on reviews felt very crowded compared to the other two if i had more time i would redesign this one as it feels to me like this book stands apart the most from the others. The mailshots were very simple if not too simple adding some description of what was in them would be an idea to try if i had more time. All in all i really enjoyed this brief but feel i got far too stuck in the beginning on the first two versions of the book which wasted a lot of time.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

End of module Self-Evaluation

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

  • Illustrator skills has helped me to vector my art work which saves a lot of time when rearranging layouts and producing typefaces.
  • Book making has helped me on 2 of the briefs in this module, its given me the basic understanding of book binding and hot dog folding.
  • Grid and layout has helped me produce layouts in in design and has helped me understand the structure of news papers and magazines better
What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
  • Using photography to capture a range of primary research has helped me to jump start my idea process. This is also given me a starting point to work from or draw from.
What strengths can you identify in your work and how have you/will you capitalize on these?
  • The use of type, grid and layout i have found especially useful for this project as i have made two hot dog book folds. 
  • Photography it has helped me to capture a lot of research and given me a starting point to work from.
  • Illustrator, being able to take something from my sketchbook and accurate draw it up to the right scales and getting it printed in a short space of time.
What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you adress these more fully?
  • I realised i havent drawn properly in a long time and its been very hard to get back into it, i will practise my drawing more before i go onto illustrator.
  • I play around with my layouts in illustrator and dont record them all.
Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
  • Draw more often before going onto software, i would expect my drawing skills to slowly return to me once again.
  • Do more development instead of just rushing things and getting it done.
  • Leave enough time to allow yourself to screen print and save money.
  • Make decisions more quickly this will allow me to get things done and just generally work more efficiently, time is money. 
  • Experiment with a few more stocks.
Attendance - 5
Punctuality - 5
Motivation - 3
Commitment - 4
Quantity of work - 3
Quality of work - 4
Contribution to group - 5

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Interim Self-Evaluation

List 5 practical skills that you have developed. When have they proved useful?
  1. Grid and layout, i found this useful while doing layouts in Indesign for the partner brief.
  2. My illustrator skills have helped me to design much more accurately and quickly i found this particularly help full when producing my own typeface and vectoring it.
  3. The Screen print workshops has helped me to design work which i can cheaply reproduce and it has made my work look much more professional.
  4. Colour theory has helped me to put the right colours together and to produce colour schemes for my work.
  5. Photography elective has helped me to take better photos and to use them in my design work. 
List 5 transferable skills that you have developed. What have you used them for?
  1. Time keeping, making sure that i make my deadlines
  2. Teamwork, this has helped me to work in a group successfully
  3. Presentation skills has helped me to be confident when presenting my work in final crits
  4. Organisational skills have helped me to work efficiently toward deadlines.
  5. Analytical skills have helped to me evaluate my work and learn from my mistakes.
List 5 things that you have achieved. How they helped you progress?
  1. Making books and selling them, it gave me a confidence boast in my own work
  2. Designing a mailshot and sending it out succesfully
  3. Creating my own typeface, helped me to understand type better
  4. Cooking, it has helped me save a bit more money and it helps to have a good meal every now and then.
List 5 problems that you have had to face. How have you over come them?
  1. Budgeting with money, still havent overcome it but im getting better and dealing with it.
  2. CTS, not very good with written language but i have just worked harder to try and overcome it.
  3. Time management, not enough hours in the day
  4. Getting use to constantly blogging and not leaving it to the last week.
  5. working with a group. 
List 5 facts that you have learnt. When have they been useful?
  1. Dont be late on a monday, on a monday when im running late.
  2. Dont put red and green together ever.
  3. Using a good stock can make your work look much better.
  4. The free bus is actaully quicker then walking, well the 50p bus now...
  5. The weather is awful in Leeds always be prepared.
List 5 things that you will never do again. Why? 
  1. Leave things to the last minute when it could save me a ton by screen printing it instead of having to do digital.
  2. Not do enough research!
  3. Take too long to make decisions
  4. Try to attempt to do everything at once, ends up doing a half job on whatever your doing or the work being rushed to a low standard.  
  5. Not spell check my work before print............
Which of these words describes the way you work as part of a group?
  • Confident
  • Decisive
  • Informed
  • Tolerant
Which of these qualities do you most appreciate about yourself?
  • Honesty
  • Commitment
  • Punctuality
  • Humorous
Which of these attitudes best describes the way you worked at the start of the brief group?
  • Impulsive
  • Informed
  • Committed
  • Passive
Which of these attitudes best describes the way you work now?
  • Organised 
  • Informed
  • Committed
  • Passive

Book fair

Produce a series of 10 books to be sold at Leeds university book fair, these books must be somehow linked to the number 3 which was given to me.
My audience will be people who attend the bookfair which is a very diverse group of people so i will focus on a more humorous and design driven audience 

Crit and Feedback:
  • What stock to use? using something other the plain white might make the letters look less harsh against the brown background. Keep in mind the thickness of the paper when u fold the book.
  • Needs a bit of playing around with the layout and potential colour scheme.
  • What size paper to use? A4 could work well with the amount of information you are relaying.
  • Use Antique white stock to make the letters and images look less harsh against the background
  • use A4 size paper in order to make sure the layout look right and there isnt too much empty space.
  • Experiment with different colour schemes.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Book Fair

I like how my final product of my book came out as but if i could change anything i would stick to a different stock the antique white made the working look less harsh but it also reduced the visibility of a lot of my text a bit. I would also of used different background colours, the dark brown grey and white scheme works but some of the other colours were much more playful and would fit better with the humorous theme i was going with. The book did look a bit bare inside in the end would of helped if i added a bit more content into it.  

What is a line

Brief Title:
A line inspired typeface and photo journal. 

Look at street Art and graffiti
Typefaces which have a physical line in or which consist of line.
Look at black and white photography and other urban photographers

Different ways of constructing a line and integrating it into a typeface and how to give an idea of a connected series of events through photography. 
The balance between a line and a photo.

Mandatory Requirements:
Consider the "A connected series of events, actions or developments." 
A typeface
A type of Photo Journal 
Some drawing

A3 print outs of typeface
any size or type of photo journal.

Tone of Voice:
Serious and professional


I am very happy with the outcomes i produced from this project, i got to create my own typeface for myself based on Amsterdam, the only problems with this typeface i found was i put the N infront of the M in the alphabet layout, my least favourite letter is the N as well which if i had more time would of been good to keep working on. The hot dog book had a few problems i had encountered, the typeface wasnt that readable within long sentinces, it was good for phrases but this limited me to the amount of information other then photos i put in the book. I would of liked to put relevant information about each photo which would personally described the relevance of each photo.